
Anticipated Benefits for Franchisee

Training and Support:  Training programs equip employees and owners with the right set of skills and knowledge to do their jobs effectively, which is in the company's interest. This provides a huge benefit for owners, since the parent company also provides employee policies and information about the procedures that are key in maintaining smooth business operations.

A franchise provides business owners with a reliable support system. This offers a safety net in building a business that especially benefits owners who have little experience with the industry and who do not have a large network of contacts.

Name Recognition:  Franchises provide owners with instant brand recognition and established marketing and branded materials.

Lower overhead cost: The Franchisors bulk purchases ultimately lowers overhead costs as compared to independent business. Your franchiser already has the materials and connections to help keep your business running smoothly.

Marketing Support: The marketing and advertising campaigns created by the parent company leave you with more time to focus on the daily running of your business.

Pride in Building something you own: One of the biggest differences in owning your own company as opposed to working for someone else is the sense of pride you establish in building something of your own. There is nothing more gratifying than achieving success for yourself though your own ideas, efforts, leadership and abilities.

You control your own Destiny: How big or small your business will be, is up to you. Your effort and input will ultimately determine the outcome. Being in the drivers seat and making the decisions you steer your company into the future.  There are no corporate ladders to climb, no glass ceilings, no fear for loosing your job and no one can put a cap on your earning potential.

You choose the people you work with: Surround yourself with positive people who give you the confidence and optimism you need to keep moving forward. When you work for some one else, you rarely get to choose whom you work with. 

Fulfillment: Each day will be filled with new opportunities to challenge yourself, be creative, follow your passion and set new goals. Reaching your goals and successfully concurring challenges  will lead to  a sense of accomplishment and ultimate fulfilment. There’s nothing like achieving success for yourself.

Connect with your Customers: Rather than hiding behind a series of automated greetings, small business owners thrive on dealing one-on-one with their best clients – or making the decision to get rid of those customers they don't like.

Give back to your community: Just by running your own business you are taking part in job creation. The more successful you become, the more you help your community grow. Getting involved in the community and giving back is a top priority to Expert Carpet Cleaning. Offering your services to charitable establishments in your community will fill you and your employees with pride. 
